Plants for your home. Check this category if you’re looking for plants. More plants uploaded here every week.
Peperomia Watermelon
RM 30.00
Calathea Variety
From RM 28.00
Alocasia Melo
RM 45.00
Asplenium Nidus Variegated
RM 22.00
Ficus Elastica Burgundy
RM 28.00
Money Plant with Pole (2/3/4 feet)
From RM 48.00
Foxtail Asparagus
Pachira (Lucky Tree) - Braided S
RM 38.00
Xerosicyos Danguyi 'Silver Dollar Vine'
RM 32.00
Asplenium Nidus Manila
Succulent Bowl Gift (M)
RM 55.00
Ruffled Fan Palm
RM 150.00
Dwarf Nai Bai
RM 5.00
Iceberg Lettuce
Garland Chrysanthemum
Red Leaf Lettuce
Bubble Plant
RM 18.00
Bowl of Pricks
RM 35.00
Cercestis Mirabilis
Xanthosoma Lindenii (S)
Platycerium (Staghorn Fern)
Ponytail Palm
RM 15.00
Pot of Love
Peperomia Green
RM 25.00
Ficus Lyrata (S size)
Tillandsia Funckiana
RM 12.00
Tillandsia Caput-Medusae
Tillandsia Duratii Giant
RM 250.00
Tillandsia Glabrior
Tillandsia bandensis
Tillandsia buchlohii
RM 70.00
Tillandsia Sitting Pretty
RM 90.00
Aglaonema Lady Valentine
Aglaonema Sierra
Anthurium Red (M)
Bamboo Palm
Dieffenbachia Tropic Marianne
Monstera Deliciosa (M Size)
Monstera Adonsonii
Pilea Peperomiodes
RM 30.00 RM 25.00
Satin Pothos
Sansevieria Laurentii L
RM 98.00
ZZ Plant (金钱树) - M Size
RM 50.00
Cactus M 5
Decorative Pebble P4- Dark Grey
RM 10.00
Tillandsia Schiedena
Red Coral Lettuce